Strategic Plan


MOCA is the custodian of the Muresk legacy and the alumni promote their connection to Muresk with a sense of pride and collegiality.


MOCA is a conduit for Muresk student and staff alumni to connect and to advocate for tertiary agribusiness education.


MOCA is sustainable financially and socially.
MOCA reunites and reconnects the alumni. 
MOCA promotes agricultural education in WA. 
MOCA recognises and promotes the achievements of graduates. 



Reconnect and reunite the Muresk alumni.

1. Design and build the alumni database.

2. Survey graduates to understand the future needs and expectations of MOCA.

3. Define the value and benefits of MOCA membership, and communicate this widely to reposition MOCA and attract/retain members.

4. Actively canvas existing contacts to attract new MOCA members/database contacts through communication to their networks/year groups.

5. Plan and promote a MOCA events calendar. Plan for at least one on-campus reunion event each decade.

Develop a sustainable financial and social capital model.

1. Implement the strategic plan and continually revise and update actions.

2. Initiate the review of the MOCA Constitution and update to reflect future needs and compliance with the Act (30 June 2019).

3. Explore funding options, including membership subscription.

4. Develop and implement the business case for the Muresk Foundation.

5. Explore options for members to contribute through their businesses e.g. sponsorships, grain donations, bequests, newsletter advertisements.

6. Build the MOCA merchandise opportunity using the website and alumni retail space.

7. Explore options for MOCA recognition in professional workspaces.

8. Explore options to delegate tactics to our network and to students to access resources.

Deliver an effective communications strategy.

1. Develop the MOCA Communications Plan and identify the budget and resources required.

2. Plan, budget, resource and redesign the web site.

3. Manage MOCA memorabilia and access as custodians of the Muresk legacy.

4. Develop a MOCA newsletter tool to maintain direct contact with members.

5. Investigate adding the MOCA/Muresk logo to LinkedIn, email signatures etc. 

Promote agricultural and agribusiness education in WA

1. Advocate for a quality agribusiness tertiary degree that meets industry needs and attracts students.

2. Document and celebrate the achievements of the alumni across all spheres of influence and promote the leadership capability of the human capital developed by Muresk.

3. Support MSA to advocate for students.

4. Promote career paths in agriculture.

5. Create alignment with other institutional alumni of ag graduates to strengthen representation for ag education: UWA, Murdoch, Nuffield, Churchill.

6. Create a MOCA Industry Achievement recognition award to be presented at the Graduation Ceremony, as well as a current student award.

7. Aim to identify and submit an annual candidate for State/National awards.

8. Use MOCA networks and link alumni with government and industry to enable constructive industry consultation and promote agriculture and education.

Strategy prepared by MOCA Board and Agknowledge®  in May 2017


Connecting the

Muresk Community