Connecting the Muresk Community

Muresk Old Collegians Association Incorporated (MOCA)

The Muresk Old Collegians Association is the alumni body providing a link to all those who have studied or worked at Muresk during one of its eras as a leading agri-focussed educational institution. MOCA welcomes current and past students, graduates and staff interested in maintaining their link to the Muresk community and their cohort.

MOCA connects the alumni through events that celebrate Muresk’s historical milestones and year group reunions.

MOCA promotes agricultural and agribusiness education in WA for past, current and future students.

MOCA recognises and promotes the achievements of students and graduates. An annual financial award is made to an exemplary Muresk student. Alumni achievements are promoted through social media, this website and feature articles in rural press.

Most past Muresk students have a desire to stay in touch with their friends and cohort. They’re interested in what people have done or achieved since leaving Muresk. MOCA is uniquely placed to be the ‘alumni glue’ that keeps people in touch with each other.

Craig Pensini